What to do After Diagnosis
(Update of content to come)
Once you receive the diagnostic assessment report, you must contact a few organisations to get access to public services.
The parent must first and foremost go to the local CLSC. The CLSC itself does not offer services but is the door through which you will gain access to the right institutions.
A file will be opened for your child at the CLSC by either a social work technician or a social worker. The person in charge of the file will make two demands for your child:
- An official service demand at your local centre de réadaptation en déficicience intellectuelle et troubles envahissants du développement (CRDITED) (readaptation centre for the intellectually disabled and people with an autism spectrum disorder). CRDITEDs have received the mandate to offer services to the ASD clientele, whether or not they present with an intellectual disability.
- A demand for the Soutien à la famille program (family support). This subsidy program is managed by CLSCs all over Quebec and its goal is to offer respite for parents of children with disabilities. An amount is granted annually and given in two instalments after an assessment of the child’s and the family’s needs. The family must then submit receipts for babysitting and respite services.
There are also other subsidy programs available when a particular need is assessed (ex: subsidy to buy diapers if child over 3 is not toilet-trained).
CRDITEDs offer a variety of services to the ASD clientele depending on the age of the child:
- For the 0-5 years-old: The CRDITED must offer the ABA program (Applied Behavioral Analysis) 20 hours/week.
- For children 5 years-old and over: A follow-up with an educator who will manage the file and follow-up with the parents. Educators will give the parents tips on how to structure their child at home and work on the upkeep of their acquired skills. Frequency of service may vary in accordance with the child’s needs (one visit per month, per week, or as needed), but this is not generally an intensive, direct service.
- People of all ages: Residential and specialised respite services. Should the family need respite, the child or the adult will be placed temporarily or permanently.
- 21 years-old and over: After the end of school services, CRDITEDs have the mandate to offer socio-professional services: day programs, work groups and/or integrated supervised employment.
Unfortunately, each area of service has a waiting list of at least a year. The only option left to parents is to turn to services offered in the private sector. Some of these services are available in Montreal. Please contact us for more information on the services best suited to your needs.