Our Services
Because the Autism clientele was all but forgotten by the government and had little or no appropriate services, Autisme Montréal developed their own services to fill the parents’ urgent needs and ease the suffering of the people living with autism and their families who had been abandoned by all.
In the last years, a rapid increase in demand has forced Autisme Montréal to offer more direct services and hire more staff.
Autisme Montréal now has 10 permanent employees and 200 external employees working on direct services.
To fill all the different needs, Autisme Montréal is comprised of two main sectors: advocacy and direct services.
The association offers the following services in the advocacy sector:
- Support and help service;
- A support group for adults TSA without intellectual delay and their families;
- Conferences and training sessions;
- The search for new funding for daily operations and the establishment of new projects.
Autisme Montréal’s direct services are:
- A documentation centre that loans books and videos and sells documents for the price of the photocopies;
- A babysitting/shadowing service;
- A weekend respite service at La Maisonnette;
- Group outings for adults TSA without intellectual delay
- Summer day camps for children, teenagers and adults;
- Residential camps during school breaks;
- Specialised swimming lessons;
- A Christmas party;
Autisme Montréal is an autonomous community organization that services the territory of the island of Montreal. We ask individuals residing off the island of Montreal to refer to the website of the Fédération Québécoise de l’autisme (FQA) Associations régionales d’autisme | Fédération québécoise de l’autisme, in order to locate the regional association that corresponds to their territory of residence. In the event you are seeking information pertaining specifically to Montreal or that you have not found the information you are seeking, you are welcome to contact us. We will do our best to provide you with the information you are seeking.