Weekend Respite
La Maisonnette
Autisme Montréal’s respite home opens its doors every weekend, from September to June, to clients from 5 years old, with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
A quick reminder regarding information for registration for La Maisonnette for the Spring 2025 season.
As usual, registrations will be done by telephone. These will take place on Monday, February 10, 2025 from 7:30 a.m. at 514-524-6114 ext. 3181. During this day, the voicemail will be automatic, it is important to leave a voice message including your name, the name of your child, your telephone number as well as the desired dates of stay. No registration will be made before February 10, 2025.
We will welcome 6 participants for full respite and 2 participant for partial respite.
To view the Spring 2025 calendar, please click on the link below. You absolutely must choose a date that matches your child’s age group. Additionally, take note that you can only take one weekend per season, in order to give as many families as possible the chance.
Fees for the respite:
Please note that as of April 1st, 2025, there will be a slight increase in the rates for our respite services. We will keep you informed of the details as soon as possible.
Here are the details depending on the choice of stay:
- $450 (Winter 2025 season prices) for the entire respite weekend: from Friday 7:00 p.m. to Sunday 3:30 p.m.
- $225 (Winter 2025 season prices) for the partial respite weekend: from Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and from Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Important: for the partial respite, the parent must be able to provide transport for his child in the morning and in the evening for both days.
- The payment must be made at least 48 hours before the respite service at La Maisonnette takes place.
In case of cancellation: You must notify us at least 72 hours before the respite service starts should your child not be able to attend on the reserved weekend. Otherwise penalties of $30 will be charged.
We thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you again.
Experience living in a group within a structured setting
Expand the range of interests and activities of participants
Enable participants to socialize while ensuring their wellbeing
Provide parents with a secure and educational childcare setting
Offer respite to families to enable them to rest and recharge their energy
Learn to have fun through play
Work on daily living skills through pleasure and interaction while developing autonomy
Support individuals in learning skills
Thank you to Opération Enfant Soleil who, through the Josée Lavigueur Fund, supported our adapted games project for our respite home.